reasonable price– tag –
- Listing
Buying a cheap property in Japan
【Bargain sale investment property 】 Hi everyone. Today's listing is just 2M yen and located in Mito city of Ibaraki! What is Mito city?→,_Ibaraki Please check the details below. Name: Romane ... - Listing
High Yield Investment Property In Japan
【Sales price is below 3M Yen 】 Hi everyone. Today's listing is 2 different units in the same building. One is 1.6M Yen and the other is 2.2M Yen!! Why is the sales price so different even though both are same building? (... - Listing
Cheap Property With High Yeild
【Below 2M Yen Property In Japan】 Hi. Please look at the sales price and net yield of today’s property. What is this area about?? Please click the attached link below!ūnan Please check the detail below. ... - Listing
The Cheapest Property With High Yield
【Kurumu City Fukuoka Property 】 Hi. Here is the cheapest one with high yield property in Kurume city of Fukuoka compared with other units on sale as shown below. (Other 1) Selling at 2.5M Yen on 2F (Other 2) Selling at 2.6M Yen on 8F P... - Listing
April 3rd Fukuoka Property
【Bargain Sale Property in Fukuoka】 Dear our important clients, Hi. Here is a bargain sales of Fukuoka property which is located in the center area so please don't miss it!! The sale price are 7.3M Yen on 7F and 7.5M Yen on 9F. Ot...