homes for sale in Japan– tag –
Rare Property In Japan for Investment
Hi everyone! Today's listing is an interesting one because the seller hasn't decided a sale price yet. Since a market price for same size in the same apartment, it is 4.7M~4.8M yen as shown below. In order to get 10% net yield (annual re... -
Undisclosed Property Info In Japan
Hi everyone. Today's listing is an undisclosed info. Family Type Property. The building itself is well maintained. This area is high demand for a family people. Please check the details below. Name: Sun View Kofudai (サンビュー光風台) P... -
Redeveloping Fukuoka City
Hi everyone. Today's listing is located in Hakata of Fukuoka where is redeveloping and getting more population now. In terms of sale price, my listing is cheaper than other sale in the apartment. Other sale: 6.1M yen for sale now. ※The p...