Hokkaido Sapporo City Property


Cheap and High return Property

Hi everyone.

Today’s listing is located in Sapporo city!

3 different properties owned by same owner!!

Sale price is the way cheaper than market price!

All properties are good access to the station and center area!!

If you can buy 3 properties together, you will be able to get more discount!

Or you can pick one of them whichever you like!

Please check the details below.

(Property no.1)

Name: Calm Hights Nakashimakoen (カームハイツ中島公園)

Price: 2,200,000 Yen 

Address: 札幌市中央区南9条西6丁目1-25

Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/HbuhhAcpUqHdsAK1A

Access: 4 mins walk to  Nakanshimakoen subway station (中島公園駅)

Structure: Reinforced Concrete

Land Rights: Freehold

Number of total units: 39

No.of Floor: 6F

Unit Floor: 6F  

 Unit Number: #6xx

Built Year: March 1984

Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 11,500 yen/month

Type of unit: 1R

Size:  21.65 sqm 

Balcony: Need to confirm

Facing: Need to confirm

Occupancy: Tenanted 

Rent: 35,000 yen/month 

(Property no.2)

Name: White Hill House (ホワイトヒルハイツ)

Price: 1,600,000 Yen 

Address: 札幌市豊平区平岸4条14-4-7

Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/vEEKvdgg3kmiwKeg9

Access: 3 mins walk to  Minamihirakishi subway station (南平岸駅)

Structure: Reinforced Concrete

Land Rights: Freehold

Number of total units: 206

No.of Floor: 5F

Unit Floor: 2F  

 Unit Number: #2xx

Built Year: Oct 1978

Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 6,700 yen/month

Type of unit: 1DK

Size:  16.53 sqm 

Balcony: Need to confirm

Facing: Need to confirm

Occupancy: Tenanted 

Rent: 24,000 yen/month 

(Property no.3)

Name: Sunset Lights Konohana (サンセットハイツ木の花)

Price: 2,000,000 Yen 

Address: 札幌市豊平区平岸1条3-2-14

Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/myso9tGMpY8J1Z8U9

Access: 5 mins walk to  Nakanoshima subway station (中の島駅)

Structure: Reinforced Concrete

Land Rights: Freehold

Number of total units: 44

No.of Floor: 5F

Unit Floor: 4F  

 Unit Number: #4xx

Built Year: May 1980

Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 13,200 yen/month

Type of unit: 1DK

Size:  28.27 sqm 

Balcony: Need to confirm

Facing: Need to confirm

Occupancy: Tenanted 

Rent: 36,000 yen/month 

(Detail of Lease contract)

Need to confirm


Please click the link below to see some photos of other rooms in the same apartment for your reference.








(Calculation table)

In the calculation table, you can see the rough total cost of purchasing a property and what kind of expense you need to pay for every month.

I mentioned about our property management in the calculation table. It is 5% of rent and included rent collection, basic tax handling, complaints handling.




If you are interested in this property, please inquire me as soon as you can!!

(My Youtube videos)


Please click the link below to see our other listings.

I upload around 40 new listings a week so please check it!!


Thank you.

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