Near Ohori Park and High Rental Demand Area
Hi. This listing is undisclosed info and you will get a capital gain once it becomes a vacant.
First of all, please check the details below.
Name: Lions Mansion Nishikoen (ライオンズマンション西公園)
Price: 15,000,000 Yen
Address: 福岡県福岡市中央区荒戸2-5-9
Google map:
Access: 7 mins walk to Ohorikoen station (大濠公園駅)
Structure: Reinforced Concrete
Land Rights: Freehold
Number of total units: 27
No.of Floor: 10F
Unit Floor: 5F
Unit Number: #5xx
Built Year: Nov 1979
Building Management/Maintenance Fee: 25,230 yen/month
Type of unit: 3LDK
Size: 71.64 sqm (center line of wall)
Balcony: 6.75 sqm
Facing: South
Occupancy: Tenanted
Rent: 84,000 yen/month
Other: Toilet and Bathroom separated, Space for washing machine
(Detail of Lease contract)
4 family members who are father, mother, and 2 kids were living when they contracted, but for now, we don’t know hoe many people is still livelong there. It should be 2 people now (father and mother)
The lease contract has started since Nov 1st 2003 and it is 2 years renew.
Deposit: 294,000 Yen which will be transferred to new owner.
Rent Guarantor: Yes, it is included in the lease contract.

(Calculation Table)

(Other sales in the same building)
Other sale 1
Price: 19.9M Yen
Size: 54.33 sqm
Occupancy: Vacant
Renovation work: Done
Other Sale 2
Price: 16.9M Yen
Size: 71.64 sqm
Occupancy: Vacant
Renovation work: Done
Other sale 3
Price: 18.99M Yen
Size: 54.33 sqm
Occupancy: Vacant
Renovation work: Done