Listing– category –
Below 5M Yen Property In Japan for Investment
【High Yield Property in Yokohama City】 Hi. Today, here is Yokohama Property. Please check the detail below. Name: Lions Mansion Tana (ライオンズマンション田奈) Price: 4,980,000Yen Address: 神奈川県横浜市青葉台しらとり台57-15 Goog... -
Investment High Yield Property in Japan
【Fukuoka Property Detail below.】 Hi. Everyone. Here is a good deal of Fukuoka property on sale which has 13% Grass Yield. This area is very convenient and residential. Only 2 mins walk to the station!! Please check the deatail below. N... -
Cheap Property on Sale in Japan
【Detail of Saitama Property on Sale】 Hi. Good morning everyone. Today, I am going to inform a high yield Saitama property! Please check the detail below!! Name: Fine Life Omiya 1 (ファインライフ大宮1) Price: 3,30,000 Yen Address:... -
High Yield Commercial Property for Sale in Tokyo
【2 commercial properties are for sale now!! 】 Hi. Everyone. I hope all of you stay safe from Coronavirus. Here is very interesting information. This apartment is combined some commercial units and residential units and located in right... -
High Yield Property for sale in Japan
【Oyama city in Tochigi High Yield Property】 Today, I would like to share with you about high yield property in Japan. The following property is a property of Oyama city located in Tochigi. Please check it!! Oyama city→https://en.wikipe... -
Commercial Property for sale In Japan
【High demand of rental for commercial use area!!】 Hi. The following property is a commercial property in the center area of Fukuoka! Please check it!! Name: Lions Mansion Tenjin-Minami (ライオンズマンション天神南) Price: 18,100,000 Yen... -
Below 10M Yen Tokyo Property
【Property Detail】 Please check the Tokyo Property for sale below. Name: Win Velsolo hiefune 2(ウィンベルソロ曳舟第2) Price: 8.9M Yen (8,900,000Yen) ※Negotiable Address: 東京都墨田区京島3-49-5 Google map: -
My Recommended Fukuoka Property
Property in convinient area of Fukuoka Good morning everyone! Here is my recommended Fukuoka property! Very convenient and easy to find a tenant area!! This property is the cheapest one compared with other sales in the same building as s... -
April 3rd Fukuoka Property
【Bargain Sale Property in Fukuoka】 Dear our important clients, Hi. Here is a bargain sales of Fukuoka property which is located in the center area so please don't miss it!! The sale price are 7.3M Yen on 7F and 7.5M Yen on 9F. Ot... -
April 2nd Fukuoka Property
【New listing of Fukuoka High Yield】 Dear our important clients, Hi. I just got this info now and nice location. The sale price of following property is 6M Yen, but since the seller wants to sell it as soon as possible due to changing t...